April 30th(2019)
Cass and I collect eggs in the morning, a daily occurrence.
Dirk and Luke hauled 3 loads to Grandpa’s (Dirk’s parents place). Cass and I go on the final load. Grandpa’s corrals are used as a holding pen until the last load so they are all together for the mile jaunt up the private road that opens up into pasture. Dirk leads in a pick up and Luke, Cass and I followed behind on 4-wheelers to keep them bunched. Luke runs to his grandparent’s house and comes back with a stack of jeans his grandma has mended for him. Bless her heart, I have never mended jeans and love that she’ll take the lead on all things sewn or mended.
Arriving back at home Luke noticed we had a yearling calving. Definitely not planned and she gave birth to one of the tiniest heifer calves I have ever seen. We shall now refer to her as Pee Wee.
Luke washes out trailers and Dirk heads over to the Lamp pasture to make sure the pairs that got hauled over on Sunday are all matched up and happy. Luke and Cass mow the lawn; I’m finishing the roast I threw in a crock-pot.