Bulls, Boys, and Blessings — small changes

Is this what momentum feels like?

Julia Jacobsen Harrington Locals revival rural small changes small town

Is this what momentum feels like?

This little farming community that I’m from is experiencing momentum in a wave that we haven’t had in quite some time.  The 80’s were rough on rural areas.  As a kid growing up here I had no clue about the business’s that closed their doors or the impact that would have on my community in the decades ahead.  I have memories of getting out of school and heading down to the drugstore to buy candy.  That big heavy door with the large bell on the front that would let the shop owner know he had a customer.

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Waving the Month of May, part two.

Julia Jacobsen kindness rural small changes small town wave

Waving the Month of May, part two.

Did my attempt to wave at everyone I see in my small town move mountains? Nope, I noticed no mountains moved. Did it change something inside for me? Yes, I think it did and it goes back directly to the notion that you notice what you focus on.  I do in fact think people are waving more.  Does it have anything to do with me? It is rather unlikely but if it did that’s cool too.

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