A few years ago, I noticed a word would roll around my head and off my tongue often enough it felt like a theme for the year. One year it was community, or rather the feeling that I was lacking it. Pivot was another year, when masks and closures surrounded us. This year it is Grace, for where we seek it, we must give it. Grace is humble and kind and forgiving. I think in years past I may have just had too much of it and too much of a good thing can be bad too. You can have so much grace for someone or something that you don’t have boundaries. This ranch wife knows good fences make good neighbors. This year with good fences I’m loving the word grace again. I don’t know how theme words arrive for people, but I think it’s cumulative and not one specific thing so for all you over thinkers out there know that this share is not about you but my cumulative heart and soul. Grace is good, it’s loving, it’s peaceful.