Growing up in rural Eastern Washington to parents whose pasts were steeped in farming history, lead to a wonderful array of farm idioms or sayings for my sisters and me to pick up on.Though I think there are some universally used, understood, and recognized farming idioms such as “a hard row to hoe”, or “beating a dead horse”, some of my favorites are the ones that are the ones that I grew up hearing around my house and my grandparent’s house.I can easily smell my Grandma Hazel’s basement
While I was on the phone I noticed the policeman who had been manning the road block was driving off. He had left a volunteer in his place. We slowly approached the roadblock on the wrong side of the road, as to look as though we were going to stop and ask a question. The volunteer glanced in our direction and continued his conversation with the first car in line. We fully believe he thought we were going to stop! However…I PUNCHED it! Kim and I both screamed as we went flying out of town!
Do you remember the first event you attended after high school where you bumped into other bi-county kids?For me it was my first college party.I recall going to it with my neighbors from my apartment complex.I was lucky enough to live above a group of kids who grew up similar to the way I did.All rural with Ag backgrounds, it was the first time I think it dawned on me that Washington soil wasn’t meant to grow wheat on every available inch.
I fulfilled a rain check on an offer to watch a family members kids recently. It just so happened that it was on Cass’s birthday. Cass just turned 2. For those of you just tuning in, we have 3 boys ages 18, 16 and 2. That last sentence makes for some good blogging right there but this little share is not about any of that. I could tell my family member felt like they were intruding on a big shin dig which I reminded him that if we HAD planned a party at all we would have invited his family but...
I woke up the other morning with my dad on my mind.My dad passed away when I was 21 and it occurred to me that morning waking up that sometime this year I will have been without my dad as long as I had him. I was barely awake and had instant tears.