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Our commute takes us on dirt roads, a family can live 8 miles away but you still refer to them as a neighbor and the second you meet a stranger and find out they are from a small town too, there can be an instant connection simply because you know and they know the best kept secret is growing up rural.
Photos by LindseyKay Photography, in Davenport, WA
Most of the pics you see here were taken by the talented local photographer mentioned above. A handful are my own. We encourage feedback regarding our designs and AgSwag wear.
If you love it, you will post it. Send us a copy, we've listed several social media sites at the bottom right of the home page. If we use your photo on our site we want to give photo cred to you too.

“I just saw them yesterday…” →
It’s always shocking when someone passes away—whether a loved one, a community member, or even just a familiar face. There’s this disbelief that comes over me, and my brain immediately...

Good Fences and Grace →
This year it is Grace, for where we seek it, we must give it. Grace is humble and kind and forgiving. I think in years past I may have just...

Self Checkout →
I grab the items I need and see the only available check out is self-checkout. I despise self-checkout. We run a few small businesses and even if a wish granting...